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Several Open Books

We publish books in the metaphysical

and alternative health care sectors.

We are here to help you publish your own book.

We specialize in helping spiritual, metaphysical, alternative and New Age authors. 

Most importantly,  unlike the super book giant, you will still own your book. 

We can help you write, edit, design and distribute your novel or nonfiction work.

We can supply the ISBN number and publish in paperback, hardcover, and ebook format.

Contact us to learn more about becoming the next Whale Song Press author.

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From hieroglyphics to books to radio to film to TV to computer games to social media to Wattpad to Netflix, the need to connect to others, curiosity and entertainment drive the world.  Today's author succeeds through an awareness of innovation that brings these things.

Publishing is transforming.  Self-publishing is part of the transformation to be sure, but more than that are the number of sources of mental entertainment and education.

June Leary

June Leary is both a screenplay and manuscript editor.  

Used Books

Thanks to the accessibility of the web, an independent author can earn a good living through writing.

In 2018, Amazon paid a thousand plus independent authors over $100,000 in royalties each.

We're new in town, but we've been around the block.

We can help you identify your next step towards becoming a published writer.

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Dr. Jourdan co-authored The Complete Idiot's Guide Astrology Dictionary, which is one of the series of Complete Idiot's Guides published by Alpha Books, a division of Penguin. 

She also created the Astrological Symbol Practice Pad that we published for her in 2019.

We are pleased to publish her newest book, Aromatherapy for the Hypnotherapist, which makes a significant contribution to the field of aromatherapy.  In addition to her astrological and aromatherapeutic practice, she is also proficient in archetypal imagery and rituals.


We believe everyone has something valuable to share.  We strive to keep an open mind to new points of view born out of experiences different from our own.  We also want to grow.  

Ten books we recommend reading.

And they are not even our books!

  1. Meditation for Beginners by Jack Kornfield

  2. Astrology for Yourself: How to Understand And Interpret Your Own Birth Chart by Demetra George and Douglas Bloch MA

  3. I WILL TEACH YOU TO BE RICH by Ramit Sethi.

  4. Disarming the Narcissist by Wendy Behary.

  5. Resonate: present visual stories that transform audiences by Nancy Duarte.

  6. Dreams, Symbols & Homeopathy: Archetypal Dimensions of Healing by Jane Cicchetti.

  7. Kinds of Power: A Guide to Its Intelligent Uses by James Hillman.

  8. Girl, wash your face by Rachel Hollis.

  9. Dare to lead by Brene Brown.

  10. Judgment Detox by Gabby Bernstein.

Old Book

Independent book publishing companies such as Whale Song Press assist independent authors with their self publishing services.  


You can pick and choose what you need or want.  Some authors need help organizing their material.  New screenwriters may appreciate someone to assess dialogue.  



Surveys have revealed just how much

readers are bothered by even one misspelling or grammatical error.  The more professional eyes you have proofing your manuscript the better.

"When life gets


have dessert first."

Stephanie Jourdan, Ph.D.

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Several Open Books

People relate to books in different ways.  Visually dominant people need photos or illustrations or at least some graphs.  Readers who have auditory dominance really appreciate an audible book read by the author.  A lot of people enjoy a book more when it is written by a fellow tribe member.  


More then anything, people relate to stories.  Even if you are writing abstract non-fiction, your words are going to be more relatable and more memorable to your reader if you present your material with metaphors and stories.  You can always start with a personal story about what motivated you to write your book.

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